Monitoring and Evaluation

A Leader in the Field of Monitoring and Evaluation Studies

ASK is a open up in integrating robust monitoring and evaluation tools with creative knowledge management and learning practices to establish dynamic, sustainable, and effective development solutions. ASK is a leader in the field of monitoring and evaluation studies, and information systems that help governments and donors make better decisions. We assist clients in sharpening their focus, increasing their use of performance information and minimizing the collection of unnecessary data.

Ensuring continuous improvement and success.

Measuring progress toward objectives

Our design, monitoring and evaluation services help our clients create evidence-based programming and measure progress toward objectives. We help our clients to set realistic goals and improve performance. Integrity offers integrated monitoring and evaluation solutions from project design through to implementation and closedown. Our goal is to help our clients remain accountable, while improving the quality of the services they deliver.

Achievement of Goals in Unstable Environments

What We Offer?

We work with our clients to deliver:

Project and Program Design

We collaborate with implementers to explore and clearly explain the logic that underpins their projects as the foundation of effective interventions. We then help them devise appropriate strategies and activities to achieve these goals in unstable environments.

Monitoring & Evaluation Delivery

We manage the monitoring and evaluation components of projects to track progress, improve systems and measure outcomes. We are committed to providing decision makers with credible, insightful and actionable data to inform judgments and allow programs to evolve and adapt to the fluid contexts where they work.

Third-Party Monitoring

We offer independent verification and appraisal services to donors and organizations where access is challenging and objective assessment is required. Based on our experience, we tailor cutting-edge approaches, such as SMS feedback mechanisms, to enhance visibility, validate outputs, and triangulate observations in fragile areas.


We conduct evaluations at each stage of the project cycle. This includes ex-ante, mid-term, and ex-post evaluations that utilize mixed methods, including qualitative and quantitative tools, to assess the effectiveness of internal processes, measure outcomes and impact, and offer recommendations for how programs can be improved. Integrity is well versed in experimental and quasi-experimental methods to contribute to a growing evidence base of rigorous evaluations on what works and what doesn’t in conflict-affected regions. We carry out both formative and summative evaluations.

Developing Evaluation Capacity

We build the evaluation capacity of different organizations by carrying out needs assessments, applying multidisciplinary and utilization-focused models for capacity building initiatives, designing learning events, evaluating learning interventions, developing impact models, and applying internationally acclaimed learning models suitable for adult education.

Contact Us For a Free Consultation

Improve the effectiveness of your programs and policies with our Monitoring and Evaluation services. Contact us now to learn how we can help you achieve your goals and make informed decisions for the future.