Evaluation of ECHO-DACAAR WASH Emergency Response Mechanism

This report relates to an independent evaluation of the WASH Emergency Response Mechanism (ERM) implemented by the Danish Committee for Aid to Afghan Refugees (DACAAR) with funding from Directorate-General for European Civil Protection and Humanitarian Aid Operations (DG ECHO) in Afghanistan. The ERM aims at providing immediate, life-saving humanitarian assistance to populations in the aftermath of a natural disaster or conflict-induced shock or displacement in a timely, coordinated, and principled manner.

The evaluation aimed to assess the strategic fit, relevance, effectiveness, efficiency, and impact of the action to inform future programming.  The end line evaluation is intended to look at the extent of achievements, constraints, and lessons from WASH ERM 8, 9, and 10 DACAAR led during the implementation period 2018 to 2021.

The evaluation followed a mixed-method approach. A total of 442 respondents were interviewed in this evaluation including 44 Key Informants namely, DACAAR staff, DG ECHO, WASH Cluster, ERM partners, regional OCHA representatives, ANDMA and DORR key staff, and 398 beneficiaries through Focus Group Discussions (FGDs).

Relevance – Overall the WASH ERM has to a great extent been relevant to the needs and priorities of the Afghan affected populations. Assistance is provided based on beneficiaries’ needs identified through joint assessments conducted by ERM consortium partners using the HEAT form and the WASH surveys independently conducted by DACAAR.

The WASH assistance provided to the IDPs is greatly in-line with the WASH cluster’s aspirations and the Humanitarian Response Plans (HRP) of Afghanistan as they are all focused on the provision of life-saving water assistance to the most vulnerable IDPs. The Coordination between DACAAR and other ERM Consortium partners is fairly implemented at the onset of the disaster (Alert and Heat Assessments). The ERM consortium framework needs to be re-examined to highlight the critical information, resources and modalities to be shared with consortium partners beyond conducting the joint HEAT assessment such as (vehicles, personnel, progress reports if any)

DACAAR enjoys a good relationship with the WASH cluster and this has been shaped by the strategic relationship the two enjoy of DACAAR being the National Cluster Co-lead. The coordination between DACAAR and the Afghan Government is equally fairly established, except the limited timely response in site selection and planning by the government on some occasions.




September 2020 November 2020


Monitoring and Evaluation
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